
Bookshelf: Informational text

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

This past weeks bookshelf isn't filled with 'stories'. In fact it is filled with the opposite. 
Informational text is one of Jordyns favorite types of reading material. 
Our library trips almost always include taking home some sort of informational text. 
I love her thirst for knowledge and i'm always looking for ways to quench it. 

According to some studies there are lots of benefits to exposing young readers to informational texts.
There is an article about it on you can read it HERE

Dollar stores and Targets dollar spot are great places to find informational textbooks for kids. I love finding them there because they are cheap enough to be able to buy them for her to always have to be able to look back and re-learn information. 
This weeks reads came from Dollar Tree. They are level 3 reader books so a lot of the words in the books are harder for young kids but we typically read informational texts together so it's not a problem. 
Science and nature are Jordyns favorite subjects so I picked her up a sea life, reptile, bug, and animal book along with a space book.

My main thing when choosing informational texts for Jordyn to read is that there is a great mixture of facts and bright colorful photos.

Studies also show that exposing children to informational text at an early age will aid in their development and love of reading when they reach 4th grade and beyond and are expected to read these types of texts.
Children exposed to informational text at early ages are more likely to be encouraged, excited, and knowledgable about what they are reading.

I suggest starting with books that interest your child. Make sure there is a great mixture of bright photos and information. Read it with them and show them you are excited to learn about the subject as well!

Do you expose your children to informational text yet?

Xo, Jeanice

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