I've got a pretty easy week coming up with both my meal planning as well as my regular weekly schedule. I've seemed to actually have built up a pretty well stocked pantry so my grocery list for the week is really short and we don't have much planned besides our regular activities ( swim...gymnastics..work...etc.)
This week I decided on a Starbucks themed meal plan. Ironically, I spilled coffee on the page while planning.....hilarious......not.
See, top left. Total coffee spill and everything got all wrinkled and weird looking.....oh well. You win some. You spill coffee on some.
My regular week spread is a very chic black and pink. I'm not a super chic person but I really love how this spread came out.
Picture quality is a little off. Theres a weird overcast this morning and I wanted to get this posted before we went to swim practice.
For both these spreads I used stickers from Me and My BIG Ideas as well as images I found and printed off of Pinterest. I have deers on the hydrate stickers and the weekend stickers on my very first plan with me post.
So thats my upcoming weekly spread.
Xo, Jeanice.
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