
3 ingredient watermelon popsicles

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I am NOT a fan of watermelon. I won't eat it. It is not good to me. Jordyn however, LOVES is photographic proof.....

How one kid can have so much fun with a slice of watermelon is beyond me. 

Anyway we bought a really giant watermelon. We sliced most of it but had a bunch left over so we made popsicles!

These are the easiest things to make and according to Jordyn they're super delicious. 
The popsicle molds came from Dollar Tree.

Heres what you need.
watermelon...I'm gonna say we had about a pound. The watermelon we bought was huge.
1 cup water.
1/2 cup raw organic sugar.

Heres what you do.
Throw it all in your blender and until smooth.
 Fill each popsicle mold and place in freezer for about 4 hours. 
When you're ready to take the popsicles out run the molds under hot water and they should slide out easily!

That's it! Super easy and super yummy ( according to the watermelon lover) 

Xo, Jeanice

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