
Caramel apple dippers.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jordyn brought home straight A's and all E's on her progress report so of course we celebrated by making something together.

 It needed to be quick and easy because we still have a bunch to get done today.

We went with caramel apple dippers. These were so fun and simple to make. Jordyn had a blast getting messy with the caramel.

All you wanna do is slice up some apples, grab some caramel dip and your favorite toppings and dip away. 
We used:
rainbow sprinkles, marshmallows, chocolate chips, graham crackers, and sugar crystal sprinkles.

 After we dipped them we just popped them in the fridge and will have them for dessert after dinner. 

Peace and Love,
Xo, Jeanice :)

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