
Prepping and organizing for the school week.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Happy Sunday!

Today i'm sharing how we I get Jordyn organized and ready for the upcoming school week. 

My Sunday prep for her starts Sunday morning. Since I work Sunday nights I like to get this all prepared and ready so that i'm not scrambling Monday morning.

I start with laundry and outfit planning. 

I make sure her laundry is cleaned and she puts it away. 

I then check the weather and plan out her weekly outfits accordingly. 

I also plan her outfits based on what activity she will be doing each day ( PE days, art days etc)

I keep all of her hair accessories hanging on the back of her door using a shoe organizer. This allows us to easily pick out a bow or headband based on what she's wearing. 

I then clean out her backpack. Anything that was sent home on Friday gets cleaned out and any papers that need to be signed and returned go into her folder. 

One of the things I hate most is scrambling for hair supplies in the morning. We keep everything that is used daily for Jordyns hair in this caboodle that we got from Lowes.
 On Sundays I simply go through the caddy and make sure everything is in there. If I happen to notice that we are running low on something or say, we are out of bobby pins, I jot it down and pick it up on my way home from work Sunday night. 

Lastly, meals for the week are planned out. I make lists of what she is having for lunch along with what we are having for dinner. I check the fridge and pantry and jot down what we might need. Since we buy preservative free meats and cheeses, and always buy fresh fruit for her lunch, those things are pretty much always on the list. I go to the grocery store on Sunday nights when I get off of work. I also wash pre-slice any fruits or veggies she will be eating that week.

These meal planners and grocery list printables are from  HELLOCUTENESS

And that is pretty much it! I knock this out first thing in the mornings on Sundays and then spend a few hours with my family before heading to work. 

How do you all prep for your upcoming weeks?

1 comment:

  1. As always, I'm going to be stealing some of your tips! I bought a set of hanging drawers for my sons outfits and it's totally streamlined our mornings. Thanks for sharing this!


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