
Making learning fun.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hey Yal!.
How was everyones weekend?...good I hope! 
Our weekend was pretty chill. Jordyn had a gymnastics bbq event to go to on Saturday to kick off the start of competition season. 
This bow alone with others is for sale on instagram @theconfidentkidcloset a portion of each purchase goes to funding the purchase of products to be donated to our local women and children's shelter, The Shade Tree Las Vegas. Help me make a difference! :)

Sunday we just hung out at home. The morning started with rainbow pancakes.

These are pretty simple to make, but if you guys would like a step by step tutorial, let me know.

I then spent the morning rearranging Jordyns desk while Jordyn and Zeke hung out in the living room watching football.

My family came over and hung out all day as well. We made beef and chicken tacos and just chilled. 
It was a good day :)

I also spent this weekend working on some fun ways to keep Jordyn excited about learning at home. She's a very active child so things like work sheets and flash cards really don't keep her interested.

These are silly sentence books. There just dollar store photo albums with words inside. Jordyn picks a who, did what, and a where and makes sentences out of them and then draw a picture about the sentence. Its fun and she loves doing it because the sentences end up being really silly.

The shark farted in the shower.

The next game we came up with was sight word memory match. 

I just took an old memory match game and wrote sight words on the pieces. Instead of matching by picture she has to match by word. 

We then turned her Monopoly junior game into sight-opoly

Instead of landing on and purchasing party spaces, you land on and purchase word spaces. Super fun.

The last game we created was sight word twister.

"right foot on LITTLE."
This is Jordyns fave. She gets so excited to play and practice her sight words.

These little tweaks to games we already had at home make all the difference. First grade isn't proving to be to challenging for her so I make sure she does a lot of learning at home.  Making learning fun at home is my top priority. It helps grow her love of learning and quenches her thirst for knowledge.

This is something so easy and simple you could all do. I'm sure we all have a bunch of board games that can be transformed. 

How do you all help your children learn at home? I would love to know!

Xo, Jeanice

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