
Moisture talk.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

I've been asked multiple times what I do to moisturize Jordyns hair. Truth is I don't really do anything special...I hesitated writing this because I felt it would be pointless. But, because it was requested i'm going to go through step by step what I do to keep her hair moisturized.

I do this routine twice daily, In the morning and at night. 

1: I spray a mixture of leave in conditioner and water all over her head. (purple bottle) Making sure her hair gets damp, but not soaking wet. I also focus on her ends and edges. Those parts of her hair are exposed to the most friction and manipulation so I give them extra attention. At any given time there will either be Miss Jessies Leave-in Condish or Mixed Chicks kids leave in conditioner in the spray bottle. Both Leave ins work well in Jordyns hair. I suggest finding out what your childs hair reacts best to and stick with it. It is a lot of trial and error. 

2: I follow that with a butter type of moisturizer. Depending on the needs of her hair at the time it will either be a lighter or thicker butter. Most of the time I use Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Super Softening Hair Butter. It has become one of my favorite products and Jordyns hair really loves it. 
On days that her hair needs a heavier moisturizer I use the Olive Oil and Mango Butter anti breakage Leave in Conditioner. This leave in is really thick and it works wonders when the 103 degree sun has worked its devilish rays throughout Jordyns hair. Again, I give her ends and edges some extra lovin'

3: I then rub olive oil onto her hair (orange bottle) again, playing favorites with her edges and ends. 

And thats all she wrote folks. 
I wish it were more interesting for you guys. lol.

p.s. Lately i've been using Care Free Curl Gold on Jordyns hair and even though I don't necessarily use it as part of her moisturizing routine, I have found that her hair is a lot softer for days after I use this stuff. 

P.s.s. It's important to know that Jordyn also drinks A LOT of water. Like, more than I do some days. It's really important to moisturize from the inside out. Most children do not drink a lot of water. Tossing in an extra glass or two a day will not only be good for them internally but will also help to add moisture to their skin and hair. 


P.S.S.S?... I want to send a congratulations out to Naturally Tash the Queen of hair shadowing for launching her site !! Jordyn was interviewed for a feature for her Mini Rockers section. 

You can find the interview HERE

Xo, Jeanice :)

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