
Apple cider donuts.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Can someone tell Las Vegas that it's not summer anymore? 
I mean really, it's 99 degrees outside still. Ridiculous. Since it seems like we are destined to live in Summer forever,
Jordyn and I decided to celebrate the first day of Fall with apple cider donuts. These donuts are very cakey and moist. A little bit of Fall in each bite. 

You can use store bought or home made apple cider. I made apple cider at home with my Keurig. 

I found this recipe on pinterest but there was no link for me to give credit to the owner.

What you need:
1 cup apple cider.
2 cups all purpose flour.
3/4 teaspoon baking powder.
1 teaspoon baking soda.
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
1/4 teaspoon salt.
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.
1/4 cup cinnamon apple sauce.
2 tablespoons butter, unsalted. Melted.
1/2 cup brown sugar.
1/2 cup granulated sugar.
1/2 cup buttermilk. 
1 teaspoon vanilla.
2 apples, diced.

Donut pan. but you could use a regular muffin pan as well.

Since there was no directions I kind of just winged it.

What you do:
preheat your oven to 350.
spray your donut pan with nonstick spray and set aside.
Simmer down your apple cider for about 10 mins.
You want to reduce your apple cider for a stronger flavor.
Once reduced, you should end up with about 1/2 cup of cider. As delicious as it smells don't drink it or you'll have to make more. 

set your cider aside.

Mix together in one bowl your flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. 

In another bowl mix together your brown sugar, granulated sugar, butter, buttermilk, apple sauce, and apple cider.

add your wet ingredients to your dry ingredients and mix until just combined. over mixing will cause your donuts to come out dry. 

spoon your mixture into a ziploc baggie and cut a whole in the corner. Pipe into your donut pan. Filling about 2/3 full. Don't over fill or your donuts will rise to high and will lose the hole in the middle.

Once piped into the pan, add your apple chunks to each donut. 

Bake for 10 mins or until a toothpick comes out clean once inserted. 

Once done,
take 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons cinnamon and create a cinnamon sugar mixture. 
Melt 1/2 cup butter.

Dip your donuts in the butter and then toss them in the cinnamon sugar mixture.


Xo, Jeanice

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