
Dyeing flowers

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

All of the plants in our backyard are dead.
It's really a sad sight.
We have a rottweiler who digs, digs holes to China, digs holes to bury things, digs holes to lay in, he collects random things and puts them in these holes…
yes, that is our tv remote…..

So, he's dug up our entire drip system and all of our plants died. My rose bushes. Gone.
I let Jordyn water the plants in the backyard in hopes of somehow bringing them back to life. I tried to explain to her that she needs to make sure to water the bottoms because that is how plants soak up their food. I decided it was better that we do an experiment so i can show her.

Dyeing flowers is a visually stunning science experiment that is a very simple and fun way for children to explore how water transfers through a plant.
The brightly colored water turns the bright white flowers different colors in a short amount of time so this project is perfect for children who don't have the patience for drawn out experiments.

This project is super simple all you need is:

White flowers. 
jars or vases.
scissors if you're using smaller jars.
food coloring. ( i suggest using primary colors, Jordyn however, insisted on neon.)

what you do:

We added about 20 drops of food coloring to each jar.
Jordyns colors were

cut your flowers to fit and simply put them in the jars. Tell your child they will change over a few hours but watch them, watch the flowers like a hawk.

Within an hour our flowers had began to change color.
Especially the blue!

We talked about how the flowers drink through their stems and thats why the petals were changing colors.

We also noticed that the purple dye turned the petals blue, not purple. Jordyn concluded that because purple is a mixture of red and blue, that maybe the colors are being divided when they go through the stem. ( her words, not mine.)

We are excited to see how the flowers change over the next 24 hours!

Xo, Jeanice

1 comment:

  1. The result in the end is really beautiful! Thank you for sharing it. I'm really sorry about your dead plants.


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