
In the kitchen with Jordyn.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I love Tuesdays. 
Tuesdays there is no gymnastics. (2 hours, 3 times a week really takes a big chunk of your week.)
I'm off from work. Jordyn and i get to hang all day.
Tuesdays are great.

Today we made donuts. Cinnamon roll donuts. Jordyn loves to be in the kitchen with me. She feels so accomplished when she can help make things. Her chest puffs up with proudness. Her smile is from ear to ear. It puts a smile on my face to see that smile on her face.

Cooking with kids promotes sequencing, following directions, cooperation and a ton of other skills. It may take longer and things may not look as pretty as you would like, but it is greatly beneficial both socially and academically to the child. Knowing that they can start and finish a task is a huge boost to their self esteem.

Cooking with Kids may require extra time, work, and patience but its well worth it.
Jordyn is already an active child but spending time in the kitchen with me means less time in front of the TV. I like to keep the cooking environment fun and calm, positive cooking experiences make her feel more comfortable and confident. She's also developing skill she will use in her adult life. 

These donuts are delish.
They're soft, and moist and delicious. 

Cinnamon Roll donut recipe:
6Tbsp butter. 
2 tsp cinnamon 
5 tbsp light brown sugar
1 tsp milk
1tsp cornstarch
1tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup flour
2tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
2/3 cup milk

1/2 cup powdered sugar
3 tsp water.

pre-heat oven to 350 and grease donut pan.

Melt butter in sauce pan, pour 2/3 into another bowl and set aside.

Add cinnamon, brown sugar, tsp milk, and cornstarch to remaining butter in pan.
heat until it just starts to bubble.
Remove from heat and pour into bottom of each donut hole.

add egg, 2/3 cup milk and vanilla to bowl containing the butter you set aside.

 flour,sugar and baking powder and salt to bowl. Pour the egg/milk/ vanilla mixture and stir together until just combined.

spoon (or pipe) batter into donut holes, fill about 2/3 full.

bake for 7-8 minutes.

allow to cool and then pipe glaze onto donuts.

Xo, Jeanice

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