
Battling spring asthma

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

70 degrees & sunshine came out to play in Vegas a few weeks ago and like most everyone after a long, cold winter, we were super excited to be able to get up and get out!!
Unfortunately for Jordyn, that hasn't been the case. 
Jordyn has extremely bad asthma and allergies so the seasonal allergens like pollen that are present in the air this time of year tend to get the better of her and cause her airways to become inflamed which then causes asthmatic flare-ups and attacks.....I read somewhere that pollen can blow for 50 miles so you don't even have to have a tree in your backyard to be affected by it
and that means instead of being out in the beautiful weather, we are often times stuck in the house.

A few weeks ago she was having a terrible time breathing..even using her inhaler didn't work. She ended up having to take a trip to Quick Care. It was scary of course, your child telling you that her chest is tight and she can't breathe is terrifying and we spent the next few days in the house trying to stay away from anything that might cause her to have another flare-up. 
She eventually got better and I sent her back to school and then BAM, Vegas was hit with an extremely windy day!....Just as my girl was starting to feel better, she was smacked straight in the face with all that wind and pollen.....and she was down for the count again. 

So again, we locked ourselves in the house and tried to stay away from anything that may cause a flare-up. Missing school & basketball practice. She even missed her teams championship game, that really upset her. I can only imagine how betrayed she feels by her own body especially because she doesnt fully understand WHY she goes through these types of things. 
Lately though, she's feeling better and the weather has been on our side! 
So of course, we got up and got out and went to the park!

Before Jordyn had gotten better, the folks over at Gymboree had reached out to me to take part in their #ONEBIGHAPPY campaign and when she was feeling well enough and the weather was on our side, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to get fancied up and celebrate this win. See, Gymborees brand platform, "ONE BIG HAPPY", is all about celebrating lifes moments....big and small. And although to most people not dealing with asthma and allergies, getting out and enjoying the weather may be something they take for granted, for us....for Jordyn, this is a big win. 

Gymboree had sent over a beautiful dress for Jordyn that I had planned on her wearing on a spring time mommy/daughter date idea post but celebrating being able to take a trip to the park without coughing and wheezing seemed like more of a #ONEBIGHAPPY celebration, and in truth, is more authentic. 
You all know i'm a big fan of children dressing like children and this dress absolutely fits that bill. It fits well and she looked so stunning and age appropriate. 
It's also beautiful.....I mean, the detailing is absolutely gorgeous. 
I also really love Gymborees jewelry. They have snap on backs that make it easy for little hands to get on and off.

They also sent Jordyn over some scalloped sandals that have a bit of a heel....and let me tell you, I die whenever I think about how dramatic she acted about the heel! LOL! 

And of course, the coordinating bow ties the whole outfit together. 

After being stuck in the house for almost 2 weeks, it was so nice to get outside for a bit of fresh air. As anyone dealing with or raising a child with asthma knows, the best way to steer clear of an asthma attack is to stay indoors when trigger levels are high,but that isn't always fun so heres just a few ways to battle spring time asthma and keep flare-ups and attacks to a minimum in addition to using a rescue inhaler.

Thankfully, pollen counts are almost always predictable and there are tons of resources and apps that can help track it. 
In your car, be sure to set it to recirculate so you're not bringing in the air from outside. 
It helps to know what your kiddos triggers are so you know what to avoid. 
Pollen and other allergens stick to your skin, hair, and clothing during the day. Showering at night helps remove those allergens from your body and helps reduce possible night time reactions.
Jordyns doctor told me that nebulizers work better for at home care. Inhalers are designed to administer quick relief medicine if you feel an attack or shortness of breath coming on and while nebulizers are designed to administer those same quick relief medicines if needed, they are also designed to administer long term control medicines. Nebulizers turn liquid medicine into a mist that the child breathes in through a mask. During spring on high pollen days or days when breathing has been a bit harder, Jordyn uses her inhaler twice a day. 

Being able to get up and get out was definitely a #ONEBIGHAPPY moment for us so I want to give a huge thank you to Gymboree for sponsoring this post!

And of course, I can't share my #ONEBIGHAPPY moment without asking you all what yours is?
Your kiddos first visit from the tooth fairy? Spontaneous dance parties? Picnics in the park? Trips to grandmas house? 
Head over to my Instagram and make sure you're following me & @Gymboree, comment your favorite #ONGBIGHAPPY moment for a chance to win a $50 dollar e-giftcard to Gymboree!

Xo, Jeanice :)

(This post is sponsored by Gymboree however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.)
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