
Honesty is the best policy

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Happy Sunday all! I hope you're all having a fabulous morning! I wanted to share a little story with you. The other day when I picked up the kid from school she was eating a lollipop so I said, what did you get the sucker for Jordyn? She proceeded to tell me that she found the sucker on a desk in Library and instead of taking it she went to her teacher and turned it in. Her teacher thanked her for her honesty and told her that if no one claimed it by the end of the day, she could have it. Well, obviously nobody claimed it and her teacher let Jordyn have the sucker. What i'm so proud of is that my daughter then proceeded to talk to me about why she thinks she was rewarded with the sucker. She said that she felt like because she was honest and did the right thing, she got rewarded. If she had tried to be sneaky and kept the sucker for herself, someone would have claimed it and she would have gotten in trouble. 

I love when Jordyn unknowingly learns a life lesson all on her own. Something so small had such a big impact. :) 

I just wanted to share that story with you guys because I was so proud! 

I also want to let you guys know i'll be having 2 new series here on the blog!

Plan with me where i'll be showing my weekly meal plan as well as my regular weekly planning schedule. The first post is up already, you can see it HERE

And Bookshelf where i'll be posting what books i'm reading with Jordyn weekly while we do our summer reading challenge. The first post is up already as well, see it HERE

I also got a DM on instagram about what TV shows I would recommend for a 7 year old. The woman who wrote me was concerned that her niece was watching shows that weren't appropriate for her and it was causing her to act up. I realize this is a big problem with a lot of kids, lots of parents don't fully monitor what their children watch very closely. I can't tell anyone what to let their children watch but I can offer my advice when asked so I wrote a post about what shows Jordyn is watching as well as what we are watching as a family. Read it HERE

Happy Sunday :)

Xo, Jeanice

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