
Feature Friday. Confident kid Jayden!

Friday, October 3, 2014

I'm so excited for Feature Friday. This blog is all about positivity, building confidence and raising a happy confident kid... i'm happy to share my journey with you all and I want to celebrate your confident kid as well! Every Friday I will feature a child that has exemplified confidence. I hope these stories of childhood confidence inspire you as they've inspired me! Now, on to our first feature!

Confident kid Jayden!
Jaydens mom writes:

Jayden is very confident in his personal appearance. He will wear plaid and stripes with out even thinking twice. He also is willing to share and help his fellow friends/classmates out with there wardrobe, he has a boy that he met in camp who he is always helping him pick an outfit out of his closet! So I believe Jayden is confident in every way because in this crazy world it's easy to want to follow and fall in to the stereotype of what a black young man should do and wear etc. But not Jayden he does his own thing WITH CONFIDENCE!!!

Thank you Kasey for sharing Jaydens story with us. Its important for me to note that Jayden is biracial and his mother is not black. Its hard enough as a black woman to raise a strong confident black man, I know that the struggle is harder for someone who is not black. The fact that Jayden is so confident in himself and has a willingness to share and help ( most kids don't...Jordyn struggles withs sharing sometimes) at such a young age, is proof that Kasey is doing a great job! Way to go mom, keep building that confidence. 

And way to go Jayden! Keep being a Confident Kid!! 

Xo, Jeanice 

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