
Taking the stress out of going back to school.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This week has been all about prepping for going back to school.

School starts on Monday and i'm so excited for my little first grader!
Kindergarten was only half day (2 1/2) hours so i didn't really have a chance to ever actually miss Jordyn. She's going to be gone the whole day!

To make sure i was prepared for the first day ( and week) of school i've been organizing and getting things prepared the past couple of days.

First thing i wanted to do was make sure i wasn't rushing in the mornings and had outfits organized. Jordyn picked out her outfits for the week and we labeled them accordingly. This is great because we can pick outfits for each week on Sunday night and not go into a panic every Monday morning.

I found these free printables here on

Jordyns closet doors serve as our morning and night routine lists. 

You know those awesome looking chalkboards with awesome looking writing on them that look like they took hours to complete and were written with the gracefulness and artistic talent of Picasso himself?......yea......this isn't that. But, it serves its purpose. 

Jordyns desk pretty much stays the same. 

The magazine holder to the right holds file folders that hold all of her school paperwork throughout the year. The yellow hanging pocket thingy ( i really don't know the name of it) holds sight words that we are currently working on and also has our address and phone number written on it. Her white cubbies hold all of her extra pencils, erasers, math cubes, sight word cubes, glue sticks etc..
I'm also still on the hunt for a desk chair.

Next i wanted to make sure that i wasn't scrambling in the mornings to get lunches together. 

This cabinet holds her lunchbox and any extra tupperware that i may need for her lunches. The pink baskets hold supplies for making lunches and any snacks that she may be taking that day.

Taped to the inside of the lunch cabinet is the school lunch menu. Jordyn circled days that she wants to eat school lunch.

The drawer directly below the lunch cabinet holds plasticware, ice packs, and lunch baggies.

In the fridge she has a basket that she can grab from and toss into her lunch. I pre-packaged baby carrots and grapes so we can grab and go. 

Hair is a big thing in the mornings. Having all of our everyday supplies in one basket cuts down on the stress of not being able to find something in the morning and running around like a maniac.

At the end of the day all of this really just boils down to the fact that i am not a morning person. I'm hoping that having these little things organized will make our going back to school experience a lot easier. 

I'm a little sad i won't hear Jordyn singing or screaming throughout the house all day....It's never the same when she's gone...

Xo, Jeanice

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