
Personalized creative writing journals

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Journaling is not as valued as it once was. As a child i spent hours drawing, painting, journaling, writing stories and poems. 
Our children today are immersed in such a face paced, technology fueled world that thrives on instant gratification. 
And while technology is both a gift and a curse, we must not forget to allow our children to create stories and worlds in their heads and encourage them to put those stories onto paper. 

Creative writing is a great way to encourage our children's imaginations and to increase their love of words and reading. 
I love those composition books that are blank at the top and have lines on the bottom so that the child can write about whatever they would like, and then draw a picture to go along with it. I got mine at Dollar Tree.
As much as i love them, they are ugly. It's hard to encourage a love for creative writing without having something fun and creative to write in.  

Here are 2 creative writing journals i made for Jordyn.
They're both very simple to make. 

This one is simply painted with chalkboard paint. On the bind is washi tape.
This is fun because Jordyn can doodle on the cover as well.
Heres a tip: if your chalk leaves a "ghost" image after you erase, use a magic eraser, it'll come right off.

This one was created to match a painting that Jordyn painted that hangs in our living room
(Jordyn named this painting SECRETS OF THE RAINBOW)

For this one, i just painted the notebook with a primer, took a photo of the painting, and then printed the photo onto transfer paper. I then ironed the transfer onto the notebook. 
( if you mess up the transfer like i did...take some sand paper and scratch the whole thing makes it look like it was done on purpose!)

Jordyn LOVES this one. Its really cool to her that her painting is on her notebook. 

This is such a fun and easy project to do with your littles and there is really no limit to what you can create!

Xo, Jeanice

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