
Funnel cake.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Last week while we were in NY we went to Coney Island. Zeke bought an 8dollar funnel cake that he took 2 bites of and threw away because it was overcooked and hard. Funnel cake should be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. mmmmm. yum. His was not that. 

So today, after a failed attempt at 'getting up early' to go to the dmv (we got there at 10:20 seriously, why is saturday the designated DMV day? We were given number 973.....they were on 720........we left.) Jordyn and i decided to try to recreate a funnel cake.( Jordyn ended up just licking powdered sugar off of everything...big help) I looked around on Pinterest and found that you can make a simple funnel cake from pancake mix! 

This was perfect since i JUST cleaned my kitchen and didn't want to make a big mess.

The process is really simple. I used a ready made-just add water pancake mix that i already had. Make the mix as usual and pour into a squeeze bottle of some sort.  You're going to need a pot and whatever oil you like to fry in. I used canola. Its what i had on hand. 

You're going to want to fill the pot with oil about 3/4 inch deep and make sure to keep an eye on how hot it gets. The oil will burn if it gets too hot. The desired temp should be around 375 degrees.

Starting at the center of the skillet, squeeze the batter into the oil and use a spiral motion outward. Fry  until golden brown. Let drain on a paper towel and top with powdered sugar and any other toppings you would like. I tried to convince Jordyn to top hers with chocolate syrup but that was a no go. She's not a huge chocolate fan. 

Um......amazing. Seriously. Such an easy and delicious treat. Jordyn ate a whole one and half of mine.

Happy Saturday!
Xo, Jeanice

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