
Summer reading.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Yesterday Jordyn and I were talking about books we've been reading lately. I'm currently reading A Game Of Thrones and she's bouncing between informational text, Junie B Jones, and Goosebumps ( Zeke was able to find her the entire Goosebumps series in ebook form for 5 dollars!). We talked about our characters and the plots of our stories, what we hope is going to happen and what we hope doesn't happen. Jordyn shares my love of books and its a beautiful thing. 

 This summer she has challenged herself to read 15 chapter books!
The girls got big goals. lol.

To help keep her motivated and add a little incentive for her reaching her goal we signed up for our local libraries Summer reading program, Club Read

Its a fun, free, and easy program. For every 20 picture books or 10 hours the child reads, they get a free book plus an entry for the grand prize drawing.....which happens to be a Target Giftcard!

She's also participating in the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Triathlon, which is another fun way for kids to earn a free book. 

To keep track of how close she's getting to her goal of 15 books, I printed this Summer reading log off of

I'm super proud of her for challenging herself to do this. And of course, I promised her a surprise if she reaches her goal.

What are some of your Summer reading plans?

Xo, Jeanice 

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