
Simple DIY Daily task board.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy Monday, guys! I hope your new year has been going well.
Lets jump right into it....
 I don't know about you all but one of my biggest peeves ever is having to repeat myself. I HATE IT!!! I don't like to ask people to do things more than once...I hate it....I hate it..I hate it!... and that is no exception in the home. I potty training and teaching Jordyn her initial responsibilities when she was younger was the worst time of my liiifeeeee. Ok, probably not the worst time but it was an extremely frustrating time. Then, when she got braces...ohhhhhhh man.....let me tell you!!...I had to stress her and stress her about brushing and flossing SO much until she got to a point where she did it without having to be reminded...Listen, when she finally did get to the point where I know longer had to remind was GLORIOUS! 

Jordyn is 9 now and all of the chores and responsibilities i've instilled in her, she's pretty much got down so we have no need for an actual chore chart. I have however, been trying to teach her to contribute more to the household but sadly in an effort to not end up repeating myself, I just end up doing what i've asked her to do myself. *sigh...

I needed a solution that wasn't a chore chart but something more like of one of those little charts you see in bathrooms at stores...You know, those checklists that show how many times the bathroom has been cleaned and at what time?....Yea, one of those. I also knew that I needed this chart to be placed in her space so that I didn't have to remind her to go look at it...If it was placed in her room, she would see it without having to go out of her way. 
I couldn't find a board with all the lines I needed so I just grabbed a plain dry erase board and created my own lines.....which is why they look so crappy. HA! 
I made the lines with dry erase marker but i'll probably be going back in and re-doing them in permanent marker.

I then broke it down into the morning, afternoon, and night tasks she's responsible for. Once she's done with each tasks she simply checks off the box. I like that its big and she can visually see how responsible she is being. Clearly, she was slacking at the beginning of the week but she got it together towards the end. I asked her how she felt about seeing all the check marks and she said " I feel like a responsible woman!" lol!!

I also included a "Tech Time" section. During the week we only allow Jordyn to use her technology equipment ( iPad, Nintendo DS, Laptop, ipod) for things other than homework, for one hour. On the weekend, its 2 hours. If she wants to earn additional tech time, she can complete a task each worth 15 mins. She is only allowed to earn up to 1 additional hour a day.
When we first made this rule, Jordyn thought it was the worst!...Come to find out, most days, she doesn't even use up her first hour!
This daily task board was super easy to make and is working great so far....I mean, this morning, I didn't have to remind Jordyn to replace the toilet paper in her bathroom so i'd say thats a success.

Have a wonderful week, guys!

Xo, Jeanice :)

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